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Something other than sexual pleasure

 Something other than sexual pleasure
Categories: Love words

Something other than sexual pleasure

Love is a rare, enchanting color of union.. What cheap sex books tell us is that love is the reconciliation of two people to reach the peak of sexual satisfaction in their relationship.. This is not true.. Sexual satisfaction is possible. It is achieved by the easiest means, without love, without thinking, and without any significant effort... and it is sometimes accomplished through coincidences... and in fleeting relationships... which leave nothing in the mind or leave any trace in the imagination... and sometimes it is accomplished in the presence of hatred... and it is a satisfaction that ends in the best way possible. Conditions lead to a state of laziness, lethargy, and mental dullness... It is a satisfaction that any woman can give just as much as another... It does not require a specific woman... because it is a mute connection in the dark... It can be moved by heat and its stimulating viscosity of bodies more and more efficiently than what is moved by love... and when he longs A man desires this satisfaction, as he usually longs for the satisfaction itself, not for a woman in particular... and for this reason he tries to achieve the circumstances that will bring him satisfaction. He seeks solitude and takes drugs if he is addicted, or drinks if he is a drunkard, or indulges in eating if he is addicted. Akula...then after that any woman is like the other as long as she has the required physical characteristics...and as long as he is in a state of fitness...and the more stupid and dull the two are, the more the pleasure usually lasts and the more the man is able to forget that he has a woman to share his bed with, the more efficient he will be in Performing his job...there is no tension...not even a this all...despite everything that is said about sex and its importance in the theories of modern psychology...and despite everything Freud and non-Freud say...there is no doubt That love is something other than sex.. I do not say this because I am a romantic.. but I say it because I am scientific. I look scientifically at man.. and I see that man is a very complex being that cannot be looked at as a body only, with only organic functions, only viscera, and only instincts.. and who looks This limited view of a person is not scientific. In fact, it kills a person with this view and turns him into a corpse and a corpse. Thus, he cannot reach a true judgment in him. Love’s tools are intelligence, a sensitive sense, a burning emotion, a transparent insight, a pure nature, and a sparkling conscience. It is not possible to It is perfected in an atmosphere of drugs, stupidity, and mental dullness. Love is neither stoked by heat nor aroused by the viscosity of race. It is not possible for one woman to replace another because it is not the relationship of masculinity to femininity. Rather, it is the relationship of a specific man to a specific woman. And love has no satisfaction because it is not... A plan and a trap for a fleeting physical encounter, but it is a permanent transgression of reality and its possibilities and crosses the barrier of the body in search of a deep meeting and union in essence...which is an impossible union...for the two inevitably remain two and will never become one...and for this reason love is doomed to desire, inclination, following, and hunger without Satisfaction... and love is not fueled by the satisfaction of sex... because love is the giver that gives the pleasure of sex, and it is what makes this pleasure close and easy, achieved by the touch of two hands and the meeting of two eyes... while sex itself remains an empty pleasure that cannot give love... and true love does not extinguish it. Deprivation... and separation does not kill him... nor does any attempt to escape from it destroy him... because the other party remains present in the conscience... Did I not say that it is a strange color of union... just as the elements unite in nature, creating compounds that cannot be separated into their elements except With fire and electricity... just as sugar dissolves in water, it cannot be separated except by heat and evaporation... and even the crystals that separate in that case still retain water inside them in the form of “plant sugar”.. and sometimes the union is close and profound, like the union of the components of an atom... if possible. The force sufficient to separate them exploded and led to an atomic bomb... And love, likewise, is a very deep union in which separation leads to a series of explosions of torment and pain that may continue until death... and may end with the personality completely changing and transforming... just as radium turns after the radiation inside it explodes into lead... that is, It is one of the colors of the union! ? It is definitely not a union with the body, nor is it the passion of two souls, nor the compatibility of two temperaments, nor the understanding of two mentalities, nor is it finding the knight of dreams, nor is it the satisfaction of one nature with another nature that it is with. It contains all of this, of course. But it contains something more... and what is more important... a unity deeper than all these clear and understandable unions... an authentic unity like fate, necessity and fate that unites the two across all limits of possibility and reality, and despite the barriers of time and space... a unity in which separation and separation are of no use. A rupture... it sometimes appears like an ancient historical unity... If it were possible for each of these souls to have an ancient history before it was born... each of them feels that he has known the other for a long time and that he is not a stranger to him... each of them recognizes the other as if He gets to know an ancient, intimate person... a mysterious unit for which science has not found a name... and there is no objection to borrowing the old name for it, and spiritual unity... a more mysterious name... but there is no way out... we have nothing but this ancient Sufi word “soul.” We call what we feel but do not know inside us. If the materialist thinkers do not recognize this word, this will not solve the problem for them. We will still ask them for a name for what we feel but do not know inside us. And there will still be something behind our sensory perceptions. Something. Real, not imaginary. It needs an explanation. That is why it always seems at the end of thinking that love, like art, religion, and freedom, all stand at the gates of metaphysics. And that they are different phenomena of what is hidden behind our sensory perceptions. We do not mean here the love of Imad al-Din’s corners, the Americans, and the Qasr al-Nil Bridge after one o’clock.. nor the love of sixteen years old.. nor the love of the end of the evening after the cabaret program ends and the bar activity begins.. nor the love of “Abu Oyoun Daraya”… nor the love of Casanova.. some These types of love are illness, some of them are curiosity, some of them are emptiness, wealth, pampering, and pretentiousness, some of them are arrogance and love for oneself more than love for others, some are interests and deals, and most of them are fleeting sexual fantasies. As for our love, which we mean, it is that rare love that grows in a few relationships, lives on, defies oblivion, bestows nobility and majesty on its heroes, and becomes stories that are repeated with respect and affection. Such love is as rare in our time as the water-filled cactus in the barren deserts. But it exists anyway. Thank God.. I remember reading in a funny news story from Austria that a young man stuck his head between the garden walls to kiss his lover, and when he finished kissing him, he tried to pull his head out but could not.. The matter required the help of the police.. and in the love affairs of this atomic age, it often happens that a young man enters His head is in a cage of love, and then there is no way to remove his head and escape with his skin whenever he wants without the need for a rescue police. He may put his head in and out of it several times in several cages. But in our love that we talked about, where love is a destiny, a necessity, and a destiny, the lover cannot take his head out of it. The cage of love except by cutting it.. Is there anyone among you who wants to love truly? From a book on love and life by the writer Mustafa Mahmoud
Categories: Love words
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